Main Branch

38-Multan Road, Chuburji, Lahore

Branch 2

Bagh Gul Begum, New Mazang, Link Ferozpur Road, LOS, Lahore

Branch 3

42-Multan Road, Chuburji, Near Go Pump, Lahore



Will I receive the same product that I see in the picture?

Absolutely! We strive to ensure that the product images on our website accurately represent the items you will receive. Accompanying each product image is a detailed description that includes specifications, materials used, and other relevant information. This allows you to make an informed decision about your purchase. Before any product is listed on our website, it undergoes a thorough quality assurance process. This ensures that the actual product matches the specifications and appearance depicted in the images.

Can I track my order?

Yes, you can track your order by logging into your account and checking the "Order History" section. We also provide tracking information via email.

How can I return an item?
  1. Log into Your Account:

    • Sign in to your account on our website. If you made a purchase as a guest, consider creating an account for smoother return processing.
  2. Go to the "Order History" Section:

    • Navigate to the "Order History" section, where you'll find a list of your past orders.
  3. Select the Order Containing the Item:

    • Identify the order containing the item you wish to return and click on it for more details.
  4. Initiate the Return:

    • Look for the "Initiate Return" or "Return Items" option. Click on it to start the return process.
  5. Choose the Reason for Return:

    • Select the reason for returning the item from the provided options. This helps us understand your feedback and improve our services.
  6. Select the Items to Return:

    • Specify the item(s) you want to return. If you are returning multiple items from the same order, provide details for each.
  7. Choose a Return Method:

    • Select your preferred return method. This may include shipping the item back to us or choosing a local drop-off location, depending on our return policies.
  8. Print the Return Label (if applicable):

    • If a return label is required, you may have the option to print it directly from your account. Attach the label securely to the package.
  9. Pack the Item:

    • Safely pack the item in its original packaging, if possible. Include any accessories or documentation that came with the product.
  10. Ship or Drop-off the Package:

    • Ship the package using the provided return label or drop it off at the designated location, depending on the chosen return method.
  11. Track Your Return:

    • If a tracking number is provided, use it to monitor the return shipment's progress.
  12. Wait for Confirmation:

    • Once we receive the returned item and inspect it, we will process your refund or exchange. You will receive confirmation via email
Will you restock items indicated as “out of stock?”

If an item is temporarily out of stock, you can pre-order, and we'll notify you once it's back in stock. Check our product pages for estimated restocking times.

Where can I ship my order?
After completing your purchase, you’ll admit an order evidence dispatch containing a shadowing number. Use this number to track your order in real- time on the website or through the handed courier service’s shadowing system.